I’m not sure of what I want to do whit my life,
I believe that I can decide it on the road, but I will love to do some
alternative healing therapies, my mother is a Bach Flower’s therapist and we
always talk about her patients, she gives me Flowers and I believe that is a mystical
and healthy way of treat with our emotional problems.
I will like to try some other things, like regressions,
because I truly believe in pasts lives and that it’s can have consequences in our
presents lives.
yoga in different ways, like laughter yoga, it’s pretty funny, this yoga is
about foolish our bodies, laugh have a lot of good retributions, and when we
laugh it doesn’t matter if is true or fake, our bodies believe it and make us
happier and relax ourselves, is a form of meditation since you don't think when you laugh, you just enjoy yourself, it's a way of controling your mind.
But what is most important for me is to have
something alternative that makes my psychologist therapies better.
I would like to be outdoors, but is improbable
in my kind of interests, so I will conform myself with a beautiful place. In
this moment I’m pretty stuck with the idea of having a place for having a
relax-time, my older sister went to this psychologist, she always have amazing environment
music, and use aroma-therapy, you choose the odor.
About traveling, I have always wanted to
know some countries, but not in a job-mode, just for holydays… So, that’s it!